Frequently Asked Questions

What is a housing guide?

Housing guides help clients identify solutions to address their barriers to stable housing. We encourage clients to explore safe permanent or temporary housing options and connect to natural supports and community services.

How do I make an appointment with a housing guide?

It’s easy! You can make an appointment online.

Appointments are available by phone or in-person.

What can I expect during my appointment with a housing guide?

First, we will complete a consultation form about your past housing successes and current housing barriers.   

We will talk about what has worked in the past and what you can work on moving forward.

We will discuss your employment history, rental history, and what caused you to become homeless or at-risk of homelessness.

Finally, together we will develop a plan to obtain and maintain secure, stable, and safe housing for you and your family.

What is Housing Problem Solving (HPS)?

HPS is a model strategy endorsed by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development that seeks to prevent or quickly resolve homelessness using creative solutions.

How do I qualify for support from Front Door for Families?

While many of the programs we work with have eligibility criteria, Front Door for Families is not a benefit program. Our only requirements are:

  • You have children living with you, or are pregnant, and
  • You live in Mendocino County, and
  • You are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.
Do I need to be enrolled in Medi-Cal, CalFresh, or any other benefit program?

No. Our only requirements are:

  • You have children living with you, or are pregnant, and
  • You live in Mendocino County, and
  • You are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.
I am undocumented, can I make an appointment with a housing guide?

Yes. Front Door for Families has no immigration restrictions. Our only requirements are:

  • You have children living with you, or are pregnant, and
  • You live in Mendocino County, and
  • You are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.

Many programs that provide subsidized housing and rental assistance DO have rules around immigration. Our housing guides are aware of these rules, and will help you navigate the housing market with these rules in mind.

Talk to Us

Is your family experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness? Our housing guides can help!

Need Rental Assistance?

The Community Development Commission of Mendocino County offers rental assistance programs for low-income individuals, families, the elderly, homeless, veterans, and persons with disabilities.

Learn about Rental Assistance