Rental Agencies and Websites
These rental agencies are located in Mendocino County, and have their own rental application approval processes.
Rental Agencies
101 Property Management
390 W. Standley St., Ukiah
(707) 468-8101
Applewood Property Management
(707) 937-1915
Mendocino Coast Property Management
809 N. Main St., Unit B, Fort Bragg
(707) 964-7777
Mountanos Properties
605 N. State St., Ukiah
(707) 462-1840 ext. 125
Rural Communities Housing Development Corp
499 Leslie St., Ukiah
(707) 463-1975
Selzer Realty Property Management
425 S. Orchard Ave. #B, Ukiah
(707) 468-0411
SonoMendo Management & Real Estate
1214-C Airport Park Blvd., Ukiah
(707) 206-1244
Veikko Properties
307 S. Main St. #D, Ukiah
(707) 391-7403
Front Door for Families makes no assumption of quality and makes no warranties regarding businesses or websites appearing on this list. This list is simply a public listing provided for your convenience, and is not a recommendation or endorsement by the program.